We are in a constant state of evolution, working to address the challenges and limitations of our mission as best as we can. Here, you'll find out where we encounter our limits and how we approach them.


2018 starteten wir ein „Fishing-for-Litter“-Projekt in Indonesien, bei dem Fischer Plastikmüll als Beifang direkt aus dem Meer sammelten. Im Laufe der Zeit hat sich das Clean-up-Programm weiterentwickelt. Plastik direkt aus dem Meer zu sammeln wird zunehmend kostspieliger und ineffizienter. Der Großteil der Bemühungen konzentriert sich nun auf das Sammeln von Plastikmüll aus Küstengebieten an Land, einschließlich Stränden, Flüssen, Mangroven und Dörfern. Dieser Ansatz hat einen deutlich größeren Einfluss, da er verhindert, dass Plastik überhaupt erst in den Ozean gelangt. Plastik, das bereits im Ozean ist, lässt sich schwer vollständig entfernen, da es durch Wind und Wellen verteilt, sich in kleinere Stücke zersetzt und auf den Meeresboden sinkt. Daher wird heute nur ein kleiner Teil des gesammelten Plastikmülls von unserem Netzwerk aus Fischern als Beifang aus dem Meer geholt.

Durch die Fokussierung der Sammlung auf Küstengebiete und Flussdeltas trägt das Programm effektiv dazu bei, die Plastikverschmutzung an der Quelle zu reduzieren und somit die Menge an Plastik im Ozean zu verringern.

2023 stammten etwa 12% des von GOT BAG Indonesia gesammelten Plastiks direkt aus dem Meer und den Wasserwegen. Wir haben dem Plastikmüll einen eigenen Namen gegeben – Ocean Impact Plastic. Dies unterscheidet ihn von dem Begriff „ocean plastic“, der nur mit Plastik in Verbindung gebracht wird, das aus den Ozeanen gesammelt wurde, während „Ocean Impact Plastic“ den positiven Einfluss auf die Ozeane betont, indem es verhindert, dass Plastik hinein gelangt und potenziell negative Auswirkungen auf das Meeresökosystem hat.


We are continuously enhancing the clean-up operations. However, the quantities of plastic collected do not match the needs of our fabric production. The amount of PET collected through the clean-up program varies significantly due to seasonality and market demand. When the market price for PET is high, fewer bottles end up in the environment, as they are collected earlier.

To ensure a steady supply of rPET for yarn spinning and fabric production, we rely on both the clean-up program and the local collection network of our Ocean Bound Plastic certified recycling partner in Surabaya, Java. Over the past year, we have seen many PET collectors growing in the clean-up region and Indonesia. We see this as a positive development as some plastic types have become valuable and offer an economic opportunity for people with the benefit that less waste stays in the environment.

We anticipate that the quantities and share from other collection networks will continue to grow as there is less PET available and competing for it against others does not align with our mission. However, we remain committed to scaling up our clean-up operations in Indonesia. We believe that assigning economic value to plastic waste is crucial for creating long-term impact, even if we cannot use all of it in our production.


At the clean-up program, the communities collect every type of plastic that they can find, regardless of shape, size, or condition, as any plastic waste can harm nature. However, plastic waste comes in many colors and chemical structures. For our Ocean Impact Plastic fabric, we can currently only use PET bottles, which made up 12% of the collected waste in 2023. The majority of the collected plastic however consists of low-value plastic, such as multi-layer or compound plastics or heavily degraded or unidentifiable waste.

Currently, GOT BAG Indonesia sends non-recyclable plastics to cement plants, where they replace fossil fuels in energy production. Other recyclable plastics, not suitable for our bag production, are either sent to recycling partners or stored in our warehouse until appropriate recycling solutions are found. Due to limited recycling technologies and partners locally, it takes time to find the best solution for as many types of plastic as possible. We strictly avoid landfill disposal, as they are often poorly managed and prone to leakage in Indonesia. Consequently, a significant portion of the collected plastic goes to thermal recovery, as currently, not many types qualify for incorporation into our products.


The communities of the clean-up program in Indonesia collect all types of plastic materials. However, not all types of plastic are suitable for recycling for yarn or components. Moreover, only some of the plastics required for our products can be collected through the clean-up program. For instance, the material for our luggage hard shells and sunglasses – recycled polycarbonate – is sourced from our recycling partner on the island of Java, as polycarbonate water containers are rarely found in the environment of the collection efforts of the clean-up program.

Additionally, products like backpacks and bags consist of many components beyond the main material, which we cannot produce ourselves but source from supplying partners. Whenever possible and available, we choose recycled components from the market.


Not all PET plastic collected by GOT BAG Indonesia is suitable for yarn production. To spin high-quality yarn from recycled PET, it is necessary to have a well-sorted, homogeneous batch of high-quality PET. Bottles that are too degraded by sun and saltwater or contaminated with oil cannot be recycled into yarn. We are exploring alternative uses for this material, such as downcycling into roofing tiles.

Additionally, certain colors are sorted out, as we cannot dye dark PET into lighter colors. Such materials are sold to recyclers who make other products.


From day one, we have strived to make our products from recycled Ocean Impact Plastic. So far we recycle PET. However, many components such as buckles, webbings, zippers, mesh, and foams cannot be made from PET. Therefore, we use other recycled components from suppliers in the market for these items.

Whenever possible, we source and select recycled materials for our products. We use most components from recycled materials, with the majority being post-consumer recycled content. However, we have not yet solved the challenge of sourcing foams (PE and PU) and zipper sliders from recycled materials.